Keynote Speakers



Keynote Speakers



Keynote Speakers



Keynote Speakers



Keynote Speakers



Keynote Speakers



Keynote Speakers



Keynote Speakers



Towards safe and all-solid energy storage devices with liquid-like performances : enhanced metal ion diffusion at the ionic-liquid interface within Ionogel

Prof. Jean LE BIDEAU, IMN, Nantes University, France

Research Community Involvement

Jean Le Bideau is Professor at Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel (IMN), at Nantes University, where he is Principal Investigator for research on ionogels and hydrogels. His current research focuses on the effect of the chemical and topological nature of the confining network on the dynamics of the confined liquid. The fields of applications more particularly targeted are the electrochemical energy storage and the tissue engineering for regenerative medicine. Presentation at COFMER will focus on ionogels for all-solid energy storage devices such as supercaps and batteries, lithium and beyond. 

Research Themes

  • Hydrogels for Medical Care: Expertise in hydrogels, confined soft matter, biomaterials.
  • Ionogels for Energy Storage: Specializes in hybrid materials, ionogels, supercapacitors, batteries.

Morocco: Was Mid-2022 to End-2024 Just ‘Another Window of Opportunity’ or A Lasting Transition to More Renewable Electricity?

Prof. Amin BENNOUNA, Morocco

Research Themes

Energy: Renewable Energy Technologies, Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency, Energy Management, Energy Economics, Energy Modelling, Feasibility Studies, Building Simulation.
Solar Thermal
Materials Science: Solid State Physics, RF Sputtering, Thin Films, Optics.

Research Community Involvement & Leadership

  • Won a Moroccan National Research Prize Distinction in 2009.
  • Led two energy companies (1996-2005 and 1999-2018).
  • Held several positions in the Moroccan Solar Industry Association from 1996 until 2016.
  • He coordinates a network of 250 Moroccan energy researchers after having led an ‘Innoproject’ solar energy research carried by all the Moroccan Universities with IRESEN funds (2014-2018).
  • He managed two multilateral European ‘Medcampus’ projects with EU funds (1990-1994).
  • He built an energy scenario (2007) for Morocco’2030.
  • He signed more than 200 papers.
  • He is presently updating his “Monograph of energy in Morocco” (first edition in 2011).

Hydrogen tomorrow : myth or reality?

Prof. Abdelilah SLAOUI, ICUBE, Strasbourg, France

Research Themes

Growth and Characterization of Advanced Inorganic Materials for Opto-Electronics and Energy (laser processing including deposition, ablation, doping, crystallisation…, lamp furnace heating, spinning & screen printing…).
Fabrication and test of devices (Solar Cells, Light emitting diodes, MOSFETs, TFTs,…).

Research Community Involvement & Leadership

  • Presently, Coordinator of the National Research Program on low-carbon Hydrogen (PEPR-H2).
  • Deputy Scientific Director for Energy at CNRS (since 2016) , overseeing energy research across France.
  • Head of photovoltaic/electronic research group at PHASE, INESS, and ICUBE (CNRS labs) for 20 years.
  • Coordination and participation to more than 35 national, European, and international projects on energy and photovoltaics.
  • Former President of the European Materials Research Society (2010-2012) and organization of numerous international conferences and symposia on advanced materials for energy.

Challenges and Perspectives of the “Green Hydrogen” Sector

Prof. Chakib BOUALLOU, Department of Energy and Processes, MINES Paris – PSL Research University, France

Research Themes

Hydrogen Technologies: Specializes in the development of sustainable hydrogen production methods, focusing on green hydrogen through processes like high-temperature electrolysis and CO2 hydrogenation.
Carbon Management: Expertise in CO2 capture and its conversion into useful products, contributing to a circular carbon economy by transforming CO2 into fuels such as methanol.

Energy Optimization: Research on optimizing energy systems, integrating renewable energy sources, and enhancing the efficiency of power generation with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Research Leadership & Contributions

  • Leader of research on hydrogen production, CO2 capture, and sustainable energy technologies at MINES Paris.
  • Author of numerous high-impact publications on hydrogen technologies and renewable energy, with significant contributions to international projects.
  • Regular keynote speaker at global conferences on renewable energy, hydrogen, and energy systems.


Prof. My Ali EL KHAKANI, Centre Énergie Matériaux et Télécommunications, Univ. du Québec, Canada

Research Themes

Nanostructured Materials: Expertise in laser/plasma-based synthesis and hybridization of nanomaterials for applications in photo-electronic, photovoltaic, and photocatalytic devices.
Advanced Materials Applications: Focus on the development of nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage technologies.

Research Community Involvement & Editorial Roles

  • Director of the “NanoMat” Group at INRS (Energy, Materials, and Telecom Center).
  • Published over 290 peer-reviewed papers and holds 5 patents.
  • Supervised 94 MSc, PhD, and postdoctoral researchers, many of whom now hold prominent positions in academia and industry.
  • General Chair of ICMAP 2018 in Montreal and organizer of several international scientific events.
  • Serves on the editorial boards of MDPI-Nanomaterials, ISRN-Nanotechnology, and Nature-Scientific Reports.

Efficient Thermal Management Strategies for 3D-SiP Architectures

Prof. Aziz OUKAIRA, University of Quebec in Outaouais, Canada

Research Themes

Emerging Technologies: Specializes in quantum science, microelectronics, and the thermal management of microsystems (VLSI, SoC, SoP, SiP).
Embedded Systems & Prototyping: Focus on rapid prototyping using FPGAs and MEMS.

Academic Background, Leadership & Research Contributions

  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (2020) with distinction from the Université du Québec en Outaouais.
  • Former NSERC-THALES postdoctoral researcher at the Polystim Neurotechnology Laboratory, École Polytechnique de Montréal (2020–2022).
  • Currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Université du Québec en Outaouais.
  • Author of over 40 papers in international journals and conferences.

Presentation title forthcoming…

Prof. Gilles FLAMANT, PROMES, Perpignan, France

Research Themes

Solar Power: Focused on the development of innovative technologies for solar thermal energy, particularly concentrated solar power applications, conducted at the CNRS solar furnace in Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via.
Energy Conversion & Storage: Expertise in high-temperature processes for energy conversion, including solar fuels and thermal energy storage.

Research Community Involvement & Disctinctions

  • Emeritus Research Director at CNRS, where he leads pioneering research in concentrated solar power at the PROMES laboratory.
  • UPVD Honorary Medal (2019) – Recognition of his contributions to solar energy research.
  • Étoile de l’Europe (2016) – Awarded for excellence in European research collaborations.


Prof. Ahmed LAKHSSASSI, University of Quebec in Outaouais, Canada

Research Themes

Bio-heat Thermal Modeling: Focus on heat diffusion in biological tissues, metabolic heat generation, and thermal therapeutic practices, including bio-implantable chip design for cancer thermal dose control.
Electro-thermo-mechanical Systems: Expertise in thermal peak detection for microsystems, and advanced algorithms for embedded sensors.
Machine Learning & Neural Networks: Research on pain recognition and quantification using thermal image processing.

Research Contributions & Leadership

  • Currently, Full Professor at UQO and head of the LIMA (Advanced Microsystems Engineering Laboratory).
  • Senior member of IEEE and OIQ, with over 240 scientific publications.
  • Supervised 90 graduate and undergraduate students.
  • Member of ReSMiQ (Strategic Alliance in Microsystems of Québec), with more than 23 years of experience in electro-thermo-mechanical analysis for electronic and microelectronic system design.

Presentation title forthcoming…

Prof. Jack LEGRAND, GEPEA, Nantes University, France

Research Themes

Bioprocess Engineering: Expertise in optimizing biotechnological processes, with a focus on environmental and energy applications.
Sustainable Technologies: Research on the development of processes for the valorization of renewable resources and waste, including bioenergy and biofuels.

Academic Background, Leadership & Research Contributions

  • Senior researcher at the GEPEA Laboratory, leading projects that bridge the gap between fundamental research and industrial applications.
  • Known for his contributions to advancing sustainable technologies and process engineering.
  • Regular speaker at international conferences on environmental engineering and bioprocesses.

Collaborations and Sponsoring

This event is organized in collaboration with the "COFM" Association and the "MRSI".

General Chair


IMN, Nantes
University, France

General Chair

Pr. Jamal ZBITOU

ENSA Tetouan,
UAE, Morocco

General Chair

Pr. Yassin LAAZIZ

ENSA Tangier,
UAE, Morocco


Pr. Abdellah ARHALIASS

GEPEA, Nantes
University, France


Pr. Mohamed MACHMOUM

IREENA, Nantes
University, France


Ass. Pr.  Rim ETTOURI,

IMN, Nantes
University,  France

April 15-17, 2025 | Tangier, Morocco